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How to Embed Videos to Moodle From MEDIALibrary

Why Should I Embed to Moodle?

When you upload video content straight onto Moodle, that file takes up valuable storage space on the platform which. If everyone did this, Moodle would run out of space very fast, that is why TEL advise that videos, instead, are embedded onto Moodle through other hosts sites such as Microsoft Stream and MEDIALibrary.

In this guide, I will be showing you how videos can be embedded onto Moodle through MEDIALibrary.

Video Guide

Below is a video tutorial explaining how to upload content from MEDIALibrary to Moodle.


1. First you must locate where on Moodle you would like to embed the video and turn editing on for that page. I will be embedding mine under the topic ‘Embedding videos from MEDIALibrary’. Within your selected space, you must click ‘Add and activity or resource’. This option will only appear once editing is enabled.

2. In this menu that appears, you must select the ‘MEDIAL’ icon.

3. On the next screen that appears you will be asked to add an activity name and summary to your upload. This will make your page easily navigable to students. Once you have inputted this data, you can move onto uploading your video.

4. Once you select ‘Add Media’, the menu below will appear. Here you can choose the source of your video.

If you select ‘Upload’ you will be asked to upload a video the same way you would to MEDIALibrary. See this tutorial if you get stuck.

If you select ‘Webcam’, you will be given a chance to choose your recording devices, then you will be able to record your webcam video.

If you select ‘Search’, you can browse existing content on MEDIALibrary and upload an existing video to your Moodle page.

If you select ‘Record’, you can record your screen to create a new video.

5. When you have chosen your video for your Moodle page, it will appear on the page as so. Then you can save and exit.

6. The video link will appear as it does below.

This link is clickable and will take students directly to the uploaded video.

If you have any further questions, please leave a comment or get in touch with the TEL team.

Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University