Technology Enhanced Learning
A warm welcome to Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) at York St John University.
The team supports staff in using a range of tools and technologies to enable effective e-pedagogy.The TEL team is part of Innovation & Technology Services. Working to the University’s 2026 Strategy, the Digital Strategy, and the TEL Quality Framework, the TEL team is committed to proactively promoting, developing, supporting and embedding the effective use of technology for learning, teaching and assessment. We offer support and training for staff on a wide range of technology enhanced learning solutions.
About Us
As educational technologists, our practices involve a focus on improving the quality of student learning through the use of learning technologies. Our advice is sometimes theory based and sometimes based on accounts in the literature of successful uses of learning technology. The use of technology is based on the interrelationships amongst at least three areas: technology, theories of learning and issues of educational practice.
The TEL team is committed to promoting, developing, supporting and embedding the effective use of technology for learning, teaching and assessment.
To set an example of effective and relevant use of and support of technology enhanced learning within and outside the university.
We will achieve this by:
- Embedding the principles of the TEL Quality Framework
- Promoting innovative, inclusive and evidence-based use of technology
- Being approachable, enthusiastic and passionate about TEL
- Explaining concepts clearly and in a non-technical language
- Being patient with people and making them feel valued by spending time with them
- Being proactive in seeking out new opportunities to work with colleagues on projects
- Engaging staff in a wide range of flexible development opportunities
- Providing a range of inclusive support resources and materials
- Communicating effectively within and outside the university
- Evaluating and benchmarking our performance

Khaled Al-Ankar [ TEL Manager ]

Helen Darlaston [ TEL Team Lead ]

Aleks Macheta [ TEL Adviser ]

Pei-Chi Ho [ DL Designer ]
Twenty years experience in Adult and Higher Education particularly in Distance and Online Learning. Specialising in Self-Efficacy for Online Learning, Helen's role is to coordinate the TEL Team and proactively support academics to optimise their use of the TEL.
Working to the University’s 2026 Strategy and the TEL Quality Framework, Aleks' role as TEL Adviser is to proactively support the day to day management and administration of the VLE and other learning technologies.
Media production: Film and TV Graduate, well experience in video production. Pei’s role as digital learning designer support academic with content creation, video editing and other learning technologies.
What We Do
We offer support and training for staff on a wide range of technology enhanced learning solutions. Our TEL Staff Support Model demonstrates the range of tools and technologies we support, as well as those supported by our colleagues in ILE.
How We Do It
Our approach, although pedagogy-centred, straddles multiple domains, including Academic, Administrative, Technical, Institutional, and National and International Sectors. This approach results in TEL carrying out a wide range of activities along a spectrum, from trouble-shooting & support, to developing Digital Capability, and influencing strategy & policy in learning, teaching & assessment.
Core systems are provided by the University, full training and support is available via TEL, and there is an expectation that staff will use these systems.
Arranged systems are again fully integrated and supported, although staff can choose whether or not to use these systems.
- Mahara
- Media Library
- Turnitin
- WordPress
- Screencast-o-Matic
- Open Badge Factory
- Mentimeter
- Padlet
Recommended systems are not funded, integrated or hosted by TEL, some training and support is available on an ad hoc basis.
- TextWall
- YouTube
- Kahoot
- Turning Point
- FlipGrid
- Camtasia Studio
- Audacity
- Prezi
- SlideShare
- Wakelet
Recognised systems are usually supported by Information, Learning & Estates (ILE), with full training and support available on integrating these into teaching and learning.
ILE also provide training and support for students on using the wide range of educational technologies listed in this model.
- Qualtrics
- Office365
- Box of Broadcasts
- Tutorial Booker
- NVivo
- RefWorks
- Talis Aspire
- Adobe CS
Emerging Technologies
Part of the role of the Technology Enhanced Learning team is to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, assessment and creative inquiry in higher education, and in particular at YSJ.
Several reports are published each year, which explore new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, in order to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation.
The NMC Horizon Report > Higher Education Edition and the OU Innovating Pedagogy Report are two of the most widely cited reports, and each year they identify trends, challenges, developments and innovations which may already be in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education.
These reports provide leaders and practitioners with a valuable guide for strategic technology planning, including an in-depth insight into how the trends and challenges are accelerating and impeding the adoption of educational technology, along with their implications for policy, leadership and practice.