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Accessible Content is Better Content...Green is the Goal!

Ally Indicators

Ally integrates with your institution’s learning management system, and provides feedback within your course workflow.

Log-in to your course site, and you will find the Ally indicators next to files or content. If you have no course files yet, upload one, and an indicator will appear next to the file name. Click the indicator to view your accessibility feedback. Follow along step-by-step to improve your original file.


Accessibility indicators



Creative Commons License
Images and text on Blackboard Ally by Blackboard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.




Ally helps institutions build a more inclusive learning environment and improve the student experience by helping them take clear control of course content with usability, accessibility and quality in mind.

Log in to Moodle, and you will find the Ally indicators next to files or content. If you have no course files yet, upload one, and an indicator will appear next to the file name. Click the indicator to view your accessibility feedback. Follow along step-by-step to improve your original file.

Please bear in mind that external content linked to through Moodle cannot be checked or converted by Ally. If you need to access external content in alternative formats, please consult the library's webpages about the SensusAccess service.

For more general information on inclusivity and accessibility, please see our web page on this subject.


Quick Start

Alternative Formats

Accessibility Scores

Scanned PDFs

Instructor Feedback

Instructor FAQs


What is Ally?

Ally Course Accessibility Report






Ally Indicators

Ally integrates with your institution’s learning management system, and provides feedback within your course workflow.

Log-in to your course site, and you will find the Ally indicators next to files or content. If you have no course files yet, upload one, and an indicator will appear next to the file name. Click the indicator to view your accessibility feedback. Follow along step-by-step to improve your original file.


Accessibility indicators



Creative Commons License
Images and text on Blackboard Ally by Blackboard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.



Ally Indicators

Ally integrates with your institution’s learning management system, and provides feedback within your course workflow.

Log-in to your course site, and you will find the Ally indicators next to files or content. If you have no course files yet, upload one, and an indicator will appear next to the file name. Click the indicator to view your accessibility feedback. Follow along step-by-step to improve your original file.


Accessibility indicators



Creative Commons License
Images and text on Blackboard Ally by Blackboard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.



Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University