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Getting Ready for Semester 1

The TEL team have put in place some TEL drop-ins, webinars and more to help get your Moodle pages up and running with some helpful hints and tips along the way.

Checklist – Getting your Moodle Pages ready

This is a quick checklist to help get your Moodle pages set up as quickly as possible.

If you haven’t activated your courses for 2019-20, visit our Moodle webpages or see our blog for step by step guidance.

If you would like to import your material from previous academic years, here is our step by step guide and blog on how you can do this. Please note: You should never import Turnitin Assignments across to your 19-20 pages. Always create new Turnitin assignments within your course. Also Announcement forums do not need to be brought across either as new Forum announcements are created in every activated course.

Once you have imported your material across, this guide will give you quick tips on ensuring your module is ready for the next semester.

With the new public bodies legislation, creating accessible documents is now a legal requirement. In Moodle, Ally will give you a score on how accessible your documents you have uploaded to Moodle are. Ally will then provide advice on how you can make your documents accessible. For more about Ally and how it works within Moodle, see our Ally webpages or see our inclusivity & accessibility webpages for other support and resources on how to create accessible documents. 

If you have hidden your course while you have been updating it, remember to make the course visible to your students again.

Moodle Drop-ins 2020 For YSJ staff only

There will be a number of Moodle Drop-ins taking place in semester 2 19-20. Please join us if you have any questions regarding Moodle or any other digital learning tools.

Note: for the rest of the academic year the TEL drop in sessions will take place online. Please see the latest campus connections for the booking form or email tel@yorksj.ac.uk to request the link.

Date Time Location
Thursday 20 February  10:00-12:00  De Grey Foyer
Friday 6 March  10:00-11:00  DG002
Monday 23 March  10:00-11:00  Online
Tuesday 7 April  10:00-11:00  Online – see YSJ Daily for the link
Wednesday 29 April  14:00-15:00  Online – see YSJ Daily for the link
Thursday 7 May  10:00-11:00  Online – see YSJ Dailyfor the link
Thursday 28 May  10:00-11:00  Online – see YSJ Daily for the link


Take a look at our events webpage for further information on other training we will be providing over the academic year, including our webinar series on using Office 365 tools in learning and teaching.


The TEL team have produced a number of guides on the TEL digital tools we support. See our Digital tools support webpages to find out more.

See our Moodle guides for further advice, hints and tips with Moodle.

Where can I get more help?

The TEL team will be on hand to support you as you prepare your Moodle pages for 19-20. We can arrange 1-to-1 tutorials, answer queries by email tel@yorksj.ac.uk, telephone or twitter @YSJTEL and we can advise on other digital tools you can use in your teaching. For a list of the digital tools we are currently supporting, please see our TEL webpages.


Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University