Digital Identity Management
The capacity to develop and project a positive digital identity or identities and to manage digital reputation
- - Develop and project a positive digital identity or identities as an educator and manage digital reputation across a range of platforms.
- - Maintain a range of digital profiles and other identity assets such as a professional development record.
- - Support learners to manage their digital identity and reputation.
- - Collate and curate professional materials (eg learning and teaching materials) across digital networks).
At higher levels:
- - Publish or share open materials relevant to learning and teaching; contribute to building the digital reputation of the organisation; monitor impact across digital networks.
Digital Wellbeing
The capacity to look after personal health, safety, relationships and work-life balance in digital settings
- - Look after personal health, safety, relationships and work-life balance in the digital organisation: model this to learners.
- - Act with respect for the health of others and of the natural environment when using digital technologies: model this to learners.
- - Participate in digital safety and cyber-bullying initiatives; address digital responsibility with learners, and the consequences of negative online behaviours.
- - Ensure equality of access to digital opportunity; use digital technologies to support access and inclusion.
- - Balance digital with real-world interactions appropriately to support learning and teaching relationships.
TEL Recommends
Taking the Digital Discovery tool really made me aware of the importance of work-life balance and encouraged me to make improvements on my own digital wellbeing and also that of others too. (Suzy)
Twitter has really helped me develop my own personal learning network and is a great tool for organising and curating content. If you don't know how to get started, the 10 days of Twitter course is a great way of learning Twitter from scratch, or you could try out the Twitter Essential Training course on LinkedIn Learning (Phil)
Turn off email notifications to help you focus on tasks and reduce stress over the working day. (Jo)
Getting help in person
The Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team and the Digital Training Team supports staff in using a range of tools and applications that can help you develop your digital capabilities in the area of digital identity and wellbeing.
Tel Team
The TEL team provide help and support in the following areas:
Contact to discuss your training needs...
Digital Training Team
Digital Training provide help and support in:
- Safety and Security
- Social media safety
- Creating accessible documents
- Intranet
Contact for more information...
Here are a few examples of the tools and resources that can help develop your digital capabilities in the area of digital identity and wellbeing.
10 Days of Twitter
If you have not used Twitter before, this course will help get you started with setting up Twitter and can be accessed via our 10 days of twitter page
Ally helps institutions build a more inclusive learning environment and improve the student experience by helping them take clear control of course content with usability, accessibility and quality in mind. For more information visit our Ally webpages
External Resources:
Wakelet helps you curate and organise content to save and share. See the Educator's guide for more information
Online safety information
Digital Identity and Wellbeing LinkedIn Learning collection
TEL Team's recommended LinkedIn Learning courses
What is Digital Citizenship | 1hr 31mins
Taking Charge of Technology for Maximum Productivity | 39mins
Repairing Your Reputation | 30mins
Creating Your Personal Brand | 33mins
Personal Branding on Social Media | 38mins
Creating Accessible Documents in Microsoft Office | 25mins
Cybersecurity Awareness: Identifying Personally Identifiable Information | 1hr 24mins
Cybersecurity Awareness: Social Networking at Work | 53mins
Cybersecurity Awareness: Digital Data Protection | 50mins
Cybersecurity Awareness: Safer Digital Communications | 1hr 6mins
Cybersecurity Awareness: The Internet of Things (IoT) | 55mins