Day Five: PebblePad
PebblePad is an e-portfolio learning journey platform which is all about enabling student-centred pedagogies and experiential learning initiatives.
It helps create and keep together records of learning and achievement that is underpinned by personal, professional and academic development.
Staff can use PebblePad to develop a personal portfolio that might include their own career development and research activities.
It can be used in many flexible ways, either self-directed by a user, or by staff who create structured assignments for students to complete.
We have a number of departments already using PebblePad such as:
• Nursing
• Initial Teacher Education
• Professional Policing
• Psychology
Watch this ‘Welcome to PebbleVision & PebblePad’ video for an introduction to the video channel, PebbleVision, and the PebblePad Learning Journey Platform.
We would love to get more departments using this fantastic tool so visit our PebblePad webpage for more information and inspiration or drop us an email: tel@yorksj.ac.uk
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