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Frequently Asked Questions

Padlet is like an online pin board that you can use to make and share content with others.
Padlet describes itself as, 'Somewhere between a doc and a full-fledged website builder, Padlet empowers everyone to make the content they want, whether it's a quick bulletin board, a blog, or a portfolio.'

To start using Padlet, go to yorksj.padlet.org and choose to log in with Microsoft.

A education school license will automatically be generated for you, offering:

- The creation of unlimited padlets

- Uploads of up to 1GB

- Unlimited student accounts

Log in to your education school license account at yorksj.padlet.org.

Yes. Upon signup, one of the first things you'll see is an option to import your data from your free padlet account. This includes all your padlets, posts, and even other accounts you have collaborated with. You can either import everything, or pick what you want to import.






Padlet is a virtual pin board where users can post content and make comments. It is also possible to upload documents from Word files to videos or to add links to the board.

York St John now has school plan which allow:

- The creation of unlimited padlets

- Uploads of up to 1GB

- Unlimited student accounts

If you would like to use Padlet, go to yorksj.padlet.org and choose to log in with Microsoft.

Quick video guide


Getting started with Padlet part one: Briefly introduce Padlet, how to log in using a YSJ account, how to create a board and customize it.














Getting started with Padlet part two: Briefly introduce share setting in Padlet.














Embed Padlet in Moodle: Students can access the Padlet you create on their Moodle course.





Padlet Training 21/07/2022

Over the Summer TEL organised training with our Padlet Customer Sucess Manager Julia. Keep an eye out over the next few months for more training opportunities from the TEL team.

What will I learn?

The aim of this webinar is to get familiar with the basic functions of Padlet. You will learn: In this interactive training, you will learn what Padlet is and how you can use it in your classroom. We will show you how to create a padlet, how to post, how to share, and how to collaborate. We will also spend time reviewing examples and discussing best practices. During the webinar, participants also got the chance to ask any questions they had about Padlet in our live Q&A.

Watch the replay.


Introduction to Padlet Backpack

FAQs from Padlet


Padlet has been shown to be a useful tool for a number of purposes in teaching:

Student Engagement

Garnham concludes that a ‘Padlet Project’ carried out at the University of Greenwich with the intention of improving engagement with Foundation Year Psychology students was successful. She describes how ‘engagement was significantly enhanced’, leading both to better exam scores and more social interaction within groups. Ellis (2016) used Padlet to increase student engagement in lectures and found that 83% of students thought that the use of Padlet in lectures made them more interesting although only 43% felt that using Padlet would make it more likely for them to contribute than verbally.

Developing student digital capability

deBerg (2016) discusses how Padlet was used as a way to develop digital creation skills for modern foreign languages students at Sheffield Hallam University. She describes how Padlet was introduced as an alternative to Blackboard VLE with the objective to ‘involve students in a collaborative learning project’, ‘engage them in a dialogue outside the classroom’, to share research findings with other students and to create a ‘digital module repository’. She highlights multiple employment-specific skills that students developed through the project although observed that students were often not aware that they were developing such skills. She therefore concluded that it would be important to engage students in discussion specifically about the key employability skills being learnt through such learning experiences.


Abushammala (2019) describes how Padlet was used successfully alongside SurveyMonkey to collect student feedback on a flipped learning approach being piloted in the classroom. Sari (2019) researched Padlet’s potential use for peer feedback and found that students enjoyed using Padlet for this purpose, finding it fun, time efficient and accessible. She highlighted that students benefited from peer feedback through Padlet since it helped them to be more reflective and increased their self-esteem through receiving feedback from other students and teachers.


Abushammala, M. F. M. (2019) ‘The Effect of Using Flipped Teaching in Project Management Class for Undergraduate Students’, Journal of Technology and Science Education, 9(1), pp. 41–50. Available at: http://search.ebscohost.com.yorksj.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1204891&site=eds-live&scope=site.

De Berg, A. (2016) ‘Students as producers and collaborators: exploring the use of padlets and videos in MFL teaching’. In C. Goria, O. Speicher, & S. Stollhans (Eds), Innovative language teaching and learning at university: enhancing participation and collaboration(pp. 59-64). Dublin: Research-publishing.net. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.14705/rpnet.2016.000405

Ellis, D. (2015) ‘Using Padlet to increase student engagement in lectures’ , ‘European Conference on eLearning’. Held 29-30 October 2015 at Hatfield, UK.

Garnham, W. A. and Betts, T. (2018) ‘The Padlet Project: Transforming student engagement in Foundation Year seminars’, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 11(2). DOI: 10.21100/compass.v11i2.714

Sari, A. (2019) ‘EFL Peer Feedback through the Chatroom in Padlet’, LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching, 22(1). DOI: doi.org/10.24071/llt.2019.220105.




Case Studies


Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University