10 Ways to Use Video in Your Teaching

IMG_20150417_152252The use of video, audio & multimedia has become a lot more mainstream in HE teaching, learning and assessment in recent times, mainly due to the accessibility and ease of use of equipment and software, but also due to the growing realisation of the pedagogic benefits of video content. Here in the TEL team we have a range of video equipment & software, including video camera, HDMI capture device, microphone, lights, chromakey green screen, and screencasting software, and we are able to help staff create a wide range of video content for use in teaching, learning & assessment!
Here are a few ideas on how you might use video, complete with some examples of good practice at YSJ:

1. Record content for an online or ‘flipped’ course

Example: Introduction to Splinting

2. Record an interview

3. Create a video introduction to a course or topic

Example: Moodle and the 3E Framework

4. Demonstrate a tool, technique, process, or software (screencast)

Example: End of Programme Evaluation

5. Record lectures/presentations for revision

Example: The Pleasures and Politics and Contemporary Erotic Fiction

6. Capture a recording with a green screen or PowerPoint slides

Example: Multilingualism and Business

7. Create a Microlecture

8. Record assessment guidelines for students

Example: 2SR101 Poster Presentation Assignment Brief

See our previous post on Assessment Guidelines: Videos for Students

9. Review/Present a journal article or text book

10. Record module evaluation feedback

Example: 2ST050 Minute Paper

See our previous post on Approaches to Mid-Module Evaluation in Sport
These are just 10 examples of how you might use video, if you have any questions or comments, or if you think we have missed any good examples from our list, then please add them below, or contact TEL@yorksj.ac.uk if you’d like to discuss creating video content for use in your teaching.

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University