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Assessment Guidelines: Videos for Students

Following a successful pilot last academic year, the Occupational Therapy programme team have again created video assignment guidelines for students on their module assessment. The videos provide a overview of the assessment criteria, the learning outcomes, the marking grid, the submission details (date and time) and the support and resources available to the students.
The videos are designed to provide the students with all the information they need about the assessment and to help pre-empt some of the questions that students have about the assessment, the assessment process and the submission process.
Here’s an example from Fiona Howlett, for 2OT500, Cases & Contexts of Practice:

This initiative is now also being deployed across the Sports programmes, also in the Faculty of Health & Life Sciences. They have gone one step further by providing detailed specifics on what is required to achieve the higher grades for the assessment.
Here’s an example from Dr. Ian Sadler, module leader of 3ST040, Physiological and Nutritional Basis of Performance:

Here is a recent example from Gareth Jowett for the 2SR101 Poster Presentation Assignment Brief:

HLS are not the only Faculty to adopt this good-practice approach – Ian Wilson, Senior Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education (ITE), in the Faculty of Education and Theology, has also used a similar approach for his 2QTM40 assessment:

If you are interested in creating video assignment guidelines for your students, then please contact the TEL team (tel@yorksj.ac.uk) for further guidance and support.

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