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Assessment Series Day 5 – H5P Activity Tool

Welcome to the final day of this assessment series. Today we are looking at the H5P activity tool that can be used by you and your students to create formative and self-assessment activities as well as interactive content.

What is H5P?

H5P is an easy-to-use tool integrated in Moodle which allows you to create interactive content easily and quickly. Quizzes can be created within H5P to facilitate regular formative feedback. You could also also ask students to create quizzes for other students using H5P.

Stand alone quiz questions include multiple choice questions, drag and drop questions, image pairing, fill in the blanks, memory games, find the hotspot etc. Or you could add quizzes to a video lecture or powerpoint presentation that you have created or even a video that you have found useful on YouTube.

Why use H5P?

  • It’s an easy way for you to create engaging content that your students can interact with and reflect on.
  • It promotes Interactivity, engagement and active learning. It also provides self-assessment opportunities.
  • It’s a quick and simple way to make your PowerPoint presentations you have already created come to life with adding some interactions to them.
  • It’s a fun bite-size activity to check understanding, summarise what has been learned and allows for regular formative feedback.
  • Students can create their own H5P content and share links to their resources on a discussion forum allowing students to actively engage in other content that has been created.

Once you have created content on H5P, it is then really simple to share, re-mix and re-use content in other Moodle pages. One of the goals of H5P is to facilitate global sharing of content and open educational resources. Or, you can keep your content secure and share with colleagues within Moodle.

H5P can be beneficial in all subject and school areas. It can be useful for formative or self-assessment assignments, preparing students going on placement, creating instructional videos and creating content for revision purposes.

If students are given the autonomy of creating their own content, this could also deepen their understanding and knowledge of a subject too.

According to Jorgensen (2019) “Interactivity is an essential part of learning” and stated that a “greater number of students access the online content when it was interactive” Read more about using interactive video in Matthew Jorgensens’ blog here

Examples and Guides?

H5P.org has extensive tutorials on the creation of all the content types available within Moodle or you can get help in person by contacting the TEL team.

How to set up H5p In Moodle

Visit our H5P Webpages for further information and examples too

Course Presentation

Interactive Video


Branching Scenario

Try it out for yourself

This is an example of the Course Presentation feature of H5P.


Some of the quiz question types within H5P are not currently accessible. You can find the status of the accessibility of content types here.


Jorgensen, M (2019). Evidence of Improving Knowledge Retention with Interactive Video, https://h5p.org/blog/evidence-of-improving-knowledge-retention-with-interactive-video [accessed 09.09.19]

This comes to the end of the assessment series. We hope you have learned something new. If you have any further questions about any of the tools we have highlighted in this series, please do get in touch with the TEL team. Or if you would like to see a blog series about something else, please comment below. 


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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University