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"Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!"

Last Week Phil (@PhilVincent) and I had the opportunity to delivery a workshop at the 19th Annual SEDA conference, entitled ‘Opportunities and challenges for academic development in a post-digital age’.
The workshop titled ‘Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges’ highlighted how the open badge eco-system, could be used for motivation and recognition of staff CPD activities & innovative educational practices. It also considered strategies & techniques for enhance their credibility and adoption, by mapping Open Badges to existing frameworks (such as the UKPSF, SEDA Values, or Vitae Framework), adding to the transferability & recognition of the awards across HE.

During the workshop, participants had the opportunity to design their own badge using the JISC Open Badge Design Toolkit and the Badge Maker Offline Toolkit. Here are a couple of badges designed by the participants:

The session sparked a lively discussion about the potential of Open Badges in Higher Education and for recognition of staff CPD activities. Slides from the workshop can be found below:

What do you think of the idea of mapping badges to professional standards or frameworks? Would that encourage and motivate you (or your students) to earn and display badges? Please let us know by leaving a comment below.
If anybody would like to discuss the use of Open Badges further with the TEL team, then please contact email us at tel@yorksj.ac.uk.

2 responses on ""Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!""

  1. In the Business School at York St John University, we are a signatory for the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRiME) – http://www.unprme.org/. In one of my level 3 modules, I have mapped 5 badges to the learning objectives of the module and to relevant PRiME principles. From a student perspective, I think mapping to other relevant frameworks adds value to the badges. I’ve also been partnering with industry to have my badges endorsed and am finding that students are responding positively to this. Many of them have linked these badges with their LinkedIn accounts. I am planning some research at the moment to explore the perceived value of badges which have been endorsed by industry and hope to publish on this over the summer.

  2. Was very interested in the idea of mapping and endorsing badges. Have you produced any research as yet on this?

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University