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Condense long paragraphs of information in one video.

Introduce your Moodle module in one short video.

Introduce your Moodle module in one short video and replace long paragraphs of text or multiple documents. Make it more accessible and effective for students to learn.

Videos create more engaging learning material which increase knowledge retention-enhancing the quality of teaching and student learning experience. Which builds the virtual classroom experience, compared to print/reading material alone. And they can be accessed easily.

The module introduction videos are 5-minute information points, for students to understand the overall module, assessments, learning aims and outcomes. And to understand, where they can find help and support.

Please refer to the video below, featuring fragments of examples:


Lecturers are welcome to schedule a filming for their own Moodle module introduction video via Bookings. All lecturers are required to do is to write their own script (send it 2 days prior to filming to k.brence@yorksj.ac.uk) and create a booking for their filming timeslot.

To schedule a filming session please complete the Booking Form for more details and book your Filming Session.


Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University