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ePedagogy Open Space Event

ePedagogy Open Space Event

Wednesday 18 May 2016, 2.00-4.00pm, Students’ Union Café.

What is Open Space?

Open Space is a way of facilitating events which does not rely on a formal agenda. There is a clear theme, but that is the extent of the pre-arranged structure. When participants arrive, they sit in a circle, and the facilitator introduces the theme, and asks willing individuals to note down issues or opportunities which are important to them in relation to that theme. These people take responsibility for convening a breakout session on the issue they have highlighted, and for taking notes on the discussions which take place. The other participants are free to move between different breakout groups, so that they can discuss a variety of different issues.
Open Space works with groups of all sizes, and the idea behind it is that participants create the agenda for themselves. Without a formal structure, individuals can think creatively and can make sure that the issues which are of real importance to them receive an airing. Multiple conversations take place at once, making this a dynamic and inclusive method of event facilitation.
When the event draws to a close, the facilitator collects the convenors’ notes and is responsible for providing a digest, which is usually emailed to the group within a few days of the event


Part of the role of the Technology Enhanced Learning team is to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, assessment and creative inquiry at York St John University.
Led by our new Academic Strategy and current enhancement activities such as Graduate Attributes & the Curriculum for Student Success, we explore new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, in order to guide academics in productive innovation.
We routinely seek to identify trends, challenges, developments and innovations which may already be in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education. These provide us with a valuable guide for strategic technology planning, including an insight into how the trends and challenges are accelerating and impeding the adoption of educational technology, along with their implications for policy, leadership and practice.
In this open Space session academic staff are invited to discuss key technological trends which they feel can have a positive impact on teaching, learning and assessment, share their own experiences and explore the opportunities & challenges they present.
For more information please email add@yorksj.ac.uk. Please click the link to book onto any of the open space events: http://www.yorksj.ac.uk/add/add/add-events-calendar/event-booking-form.aspx

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University