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Gamification and Talking About Teaching 2016 #YSJTAT

Friday 22 January 2016, 9.00 am – 4.00 pm

Talking about Teaching‘ is our annual event that gives staff an opportunity to engage in conversations about learning, teaching and assessment. The event will create interactive opportunities for sharing practice and networking, helping you to discover what is going on across the institution and to pick up new ideas. This year the key theme is Student Engagement.
There will be a keynote speeches from Professor David Boud on ‘What are we assessing for? Learning outcomes and engaging students in assessment‘, and also Dr Fiona Thompson and Dr Robert Wilsmore on ‘Marking Time‘. The event will also feature a variety of short teaching and learning conversations and longer workshops.
This year, in order to add an extra element of fun, encourage interaction amongst delegates, and to stimulate engagement with the conference, we have decided to ‘gamify‘ the event. The leaderboard (below) will track delegates engagement with a series of challenges based around the use of Twitter.

#YSJTAT Conference Game Challenges

Welcome to the Talking About Teaching Conference Game!
Prizes: The player at the top of the Leaderboard by the end of the afternoon will win…a £25 Amazon voucher!
Points will be awarded for the following activities:
Before and during the conference…
1. Each Tweet with the #YSJTAT hashtag is worth 1 point
2. Retweets and @Mentions earn you additional points
3. Photo Challenge: Tweet a photo of yourself with one or more of the conference presenters using the hashtag #YSJTAT
View The Leaderboard:

The top three players of the Talking About Teaching game will also be issued with an Open Badge as a token of their victory!
TATOpen Badges are a new online standard for recognising and verifying learning. Individuals can earn badges for the things they learn, both online and offline, and then display them in their Backpack, or on their website or social media profiles. With Open Badges, every badge is full of information. Each one has important data built in that links back to the issuer, the criteria it was issued under and evidence verifying the credential.
For more information about Open Badges contact TEL@yorksj.ac.uk
We hope the game will increase user engagement, increase social interaction and make the conference even more enjoyable for those attending!
Small print: The game is just for fun :-) The game team reserve the right to change the weightings of the scored elements in order to keep things interesting. The leaderboard will be updated daily in the lead up to the conference and in the break periods during the conference (it is not live, in order to let you get on with participating in the conference rather than checking the leaderboard every 5 minutes!). Any questions on the game to @PhilVincent

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University