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Gamification and the Undergraduate Research Conference

This year’s student-led Undergraduate Research Conference takes place on Wednesday 21 October 9.30am-4.15pm in De Grey Court, and will celebrate a variety of undergraduate research which has recently taken place at York St John University. It will also offer advice and information for those thinking about postgraduate study. A draft programme for the event can be found below:
[gview file=”http://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/moodle/files/2015/10/URC15-draft-programme-.pdf”]
Like last year, in order to add an extra element of fun, encourage interaction amongst delegates and to stimulate engagement with the conference, we have decided to ‘gamify‘ the event. The leaderboard (below) will track delegates’ engagement with a series of challenges based around the use of Twitter. If you’re not familiar with using Twitter at conferences, take a look at our Top Tips for Tweeting at Conferences blog post.

#YSJURC Conference Game Challenges

Welcome to the Undergraduate Research Conference Game!
Prize: The student at the top of the Leaderboard by the end of the afternoon will win an Amazon voucher!
Points will be awarded for the following activities:
Before and during the conference…
1. Each Tweet with the #YSJURC hashtag is worth 1 point
2. Retweets and @mentions earn you additional points (3 & 2 point respectively)
3. Photo Challenge: Tweet a photo of yourself with one or more of the conference presenters (poster/case study/workshop) using the hashtag #YSJURC (5 points)
View The Leaderboard:

We hope the game will increase user engagement, increase social interaction and make the conference even more enjoyable for those attending!
PS. If you haven’t already, there is still time to book a place to attend the conference.

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