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HEA Launches Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Toolkit

The use of technology to maximise the student learning experience is a vibrant area of interest across all tiers of global education. Technology enhanced learning (TEL) is often used as a synonym for e-learning but can also be used to refer to technology enhanced classrooms and learning with technology, rather than just through technology.

Read more and access the toolkit at https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/enhancement/toolkits/technology-enhanced-learning-tel-toolkit
Through engagement with this TEL toolkit and active consideration of what and how you use technology to facilitate learning and teaching, you will be aligning your practice to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). The UKPSF underpins a sector wide approach to ensuring the quality of teaching and learning support, and this includes the expectation that staff are committed to continuing professional development (CPD) and evaluation of their pedagogic practice. This is important as evidence of engagement in developing technology enhanced learning can help staff gain recognition as Fellows of the Higher Education Academy through the YSJ CPD Framework, ‘Recognising Academic Practice’, which is aligned to the UKPSF.

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University