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Ideas for using video to enhance teaching, learning and assessment

Recently, the use of video, audio and multimedia has become a lot more popular in HE teaching, learning and assessment. But did you know that research suggests that adding videos to existing teaching content can lead to strong learning benefits and improve student learning?

In TEL, we have a range of video equipment & software and we are able to help you to create a wide range of video content for use in teaching, learning & assessment.

Here are a few ideas on how you might use video, with some recent examples of good practice at YSJ:

Create a video introduction to a course/topic/semester

Create clear, welcoming introductions for your students, whether its an introduction to the course, a topic or upcoming placements.

Example: Dr Adam James Smith – Introduction to LIT4005

Example: Dr Leesa Clarke – Introduction to Language at Work

Example: Scott Cole – Introduction to Semester 1 PSY7001M

Record content to support students academic skills (screencasts)

Example: Dr Leesa Clarke – Reflective Writing

Record assessment guidelines for students

Create video assignment guidelines for students on their module assessment. The videos provide a overview of the assessment criteria, the learning outcomes, the marking grid, the submission details (date and time) and the support and resources available to the students.

The videos are designed to provide the students with all the information they need about the assessment and to help pre-empt some of the questions that students have about the assessment, the assessment process and the submission process.

Example: 2SR101 Poster Presentation Assignment Brief

Further ideas:

  • Review/Present a journal article or text book
  • Record module evaluation feedback
  • Create a Microlecture
  • Record lectures/presentations for revision
  • Record content for an online or ‘flipped’ course
  • Capture a recording with a green screen or PowerPoint slides

These are just a few examples of how you might use video, if you have any questions or comments, or if you think we have missed any good examples from our list, then please contact us. 

If you’d like to discuss creating video content for use in your teaching, email TEL@yorksj.ac.uk



Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University