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Jisc Digital Student: Investigating students' expectations of the digital environment

Following a call from the Digital Student project for examples of practice, Jisc has announced the publication of 50 short case studies in ‘enhancing the student digital experience’ in HE. These are available from the Digital Student website, organised according to the main challenges they address. A full list of exemplars can also be browsed on the site.



Prepare and support students to study successfully with digital technologies

Deliver a relevant digital curriculum

Ensure an inclusive student experience, using technology to overcome disadvantage

Provide a robust, flexible digital environment

Develop coherent policies for ‘Bring Your Own’

Engage students in dialogue about their digital experience and empower them to make changes

Take a strategic, whole-institution approach to the digital student experience

If you are interested in exploring some of the approaches outlined in these examples of work to support students’ digital experiences of university, then please contact TEL@yorksj.ac.uk.

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University