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Learn with Lynda: Flipping the Classroom

flipped-classroomFor this months Learn with Lynda we’re looking at ‘Flipping the Classroom‘ with Aaron Quigley.

Flipped Learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter.
Flipped Learning Network

In this course, which is only 42min long, educator Aaron Quigley demonstrates how to “flip” your classroom by initiating learning online before class begins. This new approach allows tutors to reinforce and delve more deeply into content in person, while sending students home with new material. In this presentation, Aaron shows how and why flipped classrooms work, addresses the possible drawbacks (like what to do when students don’t have technology at home), and provides tips for implementing a flipped classroom. Content includes:

  • What is a flipped classroom?
  • A flipped classroom in action
  • Using student-centric teaching
  • Implementing a flipped classroom
  • Helping students succeed
  • Looking at the negatives
  • The teacher’s responsibility

Flip teaching (or flipped classroom) is a form of blended learning which encompasses any use of technology to leverage the learning in a classroom, so a tutor can spend more time interacting with students instead of lecturing. You can read more about Flipped the Classroom in our Flipped Classroom blog post.
Are you, or have you considered, flipping your classroom? What are/were your experiences? What are the enabling/hindering factors?
Don’t forget to let us know what you think of the course! Was it helpful? Was there anything you would add? Any takeaways you can apply to your teaching or would like to explore further?
lyndalinkedinP.S. Did you know?  You can integrate your lynda.com course completion certificates with your LinkedIn profile – and share the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired at lynda.com. Simply ‘Share’ your certificate of completion and select ‘Post to LinkedIn profile’!

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University