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Learn with Lynda: Drawing Vector Graphics: Iconography

Screenshot of the Vector Graphics: Iconography Lynda videoThis month Learn with Lynda is highlighting Drawing Vector Graphics: Iconography a 3h45m intermediate course about creating vector icon images. This is a particularly useful course if you have, or are thinking about developing, your own open badges. This course will give you the skills to design your own open badge image.
Great icons are simple, evocative, and communicative. That said, the workflow behind these simple designs is often more involved than the final product would suggest. In this course, join Von Glitschka as he walks through the process of creating and styling a set of icon motifs. Von dives into the fundamentals of creating icon ideas, explaining how basic drawing can help to facilitate the digital design process. He also shines a spotlight on aesthetic rules and methods that can help you craft well-designed icons, as well as how to export vector and raster icons. Plus, Von provides you with some perspective by sharing the work, methods, and sketches of several other designers.
Topics include:

  • Developing icon ideas
  • Simplifying complex shapes
  • Drawing visual metaphors
  • Establishing visual continuity
  • Creating flat icons
  • Creating long shadow icons
  • Detailing icons
  • Creating pixel perfect icons
  • Reviewing how icon art is used in a variety of design contexts

Don’t forget to let us know what you think of the course! Was it helpful? Have you used open badges with your students? What do you think about the potential of using open badges with students? If you want to contact the TEL team to discuss your ideas, contact tel@yorksj.ac.uk.

lyndalinkedinP.S. Did you know? You can integrate your lynda.com course completion certificates with your LinkedIn profile – and share the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired. Simply ‘Share’ your certificate of completion and select ‘Post to LinkedIn profile’!

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University