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Lynda.com: Top 10

Lynda.com is an online video library that provides access to thousands of learning courses in business, software, technology and creative skills. Not used Lynda.com before? Why not take a look.

Here is a list of the top 10 most used courses that have been taken in the past year here at YSJU.

  1. Creating a Career Plan
  2. Creating your Personal Brand
  3. Learning NVivo
  4. PowerPoint 2016 Essential Training
  5. Mastering Common Interview Questions
  6. Excel 2016 Essential Training
  7. Word 2016 Essential Training
  8. Cert Prep: Word 2016 Microsoft Office Specialist (77-725)
  9. Learning Excel 2016
  10. Learning Audacity


The TEL team have produced a Moodle Playlist of videos that you may find useful. Alternatively, you might be interested in the ePedagogy playlist content, including Flipped ClassroomGamification & Social Media in the Classroom.

There are many other interesting courses available too. Here are just a few examples:

Learning Pathways are also a great feature, which are work/job related course pathways intended to prepare you for a specific role or to update skills for your current job.
Here are a few examples of Learning Pathways. You can view more at: https://www.lynda.com/learning-paths

In the new year, we will be showcasing new and interesting videos so watch this space!

To access Lynda.com visit the ILE Website or contact Digital Training for help.

What will you be watching? What will you recommend to your colleagues or students? Microsoft Office? Project Management? Social Media? Study Skills? SPSS? How can these resources be used for Learning, Teaching & Assessment? Let us know in the comments below or contact us at tel@yorksj.ac.uk


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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University