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MEDIALibrary Update – What’s New for 2019-20?

Video can be an incredibly powerful tool for conveying ideas and information. While most of us are comfortable with video being utilised in an educational context, we must consider if we are making the most of video as a teaching medium and maximising the benefits as learning practitioners.

To support our use of video here at YSJU, we recently udated to the latest version of our MEDIALibrary software, see below for a comprehensive list of new features and enhancements that have been added. Check out some videos from Rob at MEDIAL down below as well to see the new features in more detail…

Closed Captions

Accessibility is important, and the use of technology to enhance learning, teaching and assessment should be considered and appropriate, and should never exclude any learner from engaging in the process. We are currently piloting ways to make your video content more accessible by using MEDIALibrary to generate captions for your content, with an easy to use editor for those quick tidy-ups.

Find out more about TEL Accessibility & Inclusivity


Your content is data rich and these stats are now displayed in an easy to view format that shows you information about your videos at a glance.

For example, you can now view:

  • Individual Student Engagement
  • User engagement over time

Trim, Chop & Export

Easy editing allows you to top & tail your videos whilst also chopping sections out of the timeline, the remaining parts then stitch back together for you. An easy export button allows you to select a section and save it as a new media asset.

MEDIALecture – Screen Capture in Moodle

In v6 it is now possible to launch MEDIALecture directly within Moodle. Also available to Tutors in Moodle is the ability to view analytics for any videos that you have added – including student engagement levels.

HTML5 Webcam Capture

The Webcam recording feature has left Flash behind and allows for quick easy webcam capture, basic edit and upload.

Other Features & Enhancements

MEDIALecture – Screen Capture Tool Enhancements

Our popular, easy to use screen capture tool has a few additional features, including:

  • Text annotation within your drawing tools
  • The ability to add custom images to your title and credit slides within the editor
  • A simple check box allows the recording or your system audio for if you have a video playing during your recording

Personal – Private/Public

A simple drop down on upload allows the user to decide whether they want their personal video content to be private to only them, or whether they want to be able to share the link with others to view their video.


Behind-the-scenes, we’re keeping up to date with the latest JWPlayer which features:

  • Video Preloading
  • 50% smaller end script
  • Faster to load multiple players

Video can be an incredibly powerful tool for conveying ideas and information. While most of us are comfortable with video being utilised in an educational context, we must consider if we are making the most of video as a teaching medium and maximising the benefits as learning practitioners.


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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University