We are upgrading Moodle from 3.11 to 4.1 – Thursday 11th July 2024 (Expected Service Disruption)
Upgrade has now been completed
What’s involved?
We will be performing a swap out from our current Moodle environment 3.11 to our newly prepared 4.1 Moodle environment, performing database clean-ups where possible, organising some basic housekeeping on the platform, archiving any old unnecessary plugins, adding new plugins that have been requested over the year and checking for code fixes including performing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) prior to relaunch.
How does it affect you?
We will be suspending access to YSJ Moodle and Mahara through deep linking at 12:00 pm on Thursday 11th July 2024 and bringing the service back online at 5:00pm on Thursday. This means that the system will be inaccessible during the upgrade period.
What if I need something from Moodle?
ITS recommends downloading materials needed for the afternoon and saving them to a YSJ solution such as OneDrive ahead of time to avoid any disruptions in teaching or learning.
#quicktip OneDrive is an ideal location for storing any necessary files.
Recommendations for Users:
- Plan Ahead: Please plan your coursework and activities accordingly, taking into account the temporary unavailability of the Moodle VLE during the afternoon of Thursday, 11th July 2024.
- Save Work: Ensure that any unsaved work or important data within the Moodle system is saved or backed up before the upgrade commences.
- Stay Informed: Regular updates regarding the progress of the upgrade will be communicated through official university channel system alerts. Please stay tuned for any additional information.
Friday 12th July 2024 ‘At Risk’ day
For any work undertaken by the TEL and Applications team within ITS, we request that it be considered ‘at risk’ until the close of business on Friday, 12/7/2024. This will allow us to address any requests or issues arising from the upgrade. Please submit all tickets to support@yorksj.ac.uk with the subject line “Moodle 4.1,” and we will direct them to the appropriate team.
Moodle total time affected for the upgrade: 5 hours.
We appreciate your support and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Have a quick look at the following guides which will help you in setting up your new module:
Editing Activities or Resources
Visit our dedicated Moodle page on the TEL website for further guidance and support. Or contact a member of the TEL team at TEL@yorksj.ac.uk.
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