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Moodle 4.1 upgrade – Part 3 – Adding files from your OneDrive

New option for adding files

As part of the Moodle 4.1.11 upgrade files can now be added directly from your YSJ OneDrive, rather than having to download and then re-upload.

This can be done by either uploading a copy of the file or linking directly to the file in OneDrive.

Adding a file as a ‘copy’.  

Adding a file as a ‘copy’ means that when a course participant clicks on the file within the course it will automatically download to the download folder or their personal OneDrive. 

This type of file addition is good for:  

  • Files that you need participants to edit. E.g. Templates or Reflective Diaries. 
  • Files that are unlikely to change over time. 
Adding a file as a ‘link’. 

Adding a file as a ‘link’ means that when a course participant clicks on the file within the course the file will appear in a new window from OneDrive. Course participants do not have editing rights to this file and can only view it. 

This type of file addition is good for: 

  • Files that may change frequently. This option saves you having to re-upload lots of files. If you change the file in OneDrive, it will change automatically in the courses it is linked to. 
  • Files that you use in more than one module or course. Again, this saves on re-uploading things if you need to make a content change to the file. 

 Full instructions on how to use this feature are contained in the walkthrough below and in this guide Moodle – Adding a file from OneDrive (V1.0).docx


Students uploading from OneDrive.

Students can upload files from their YSJ OneDrive in Moodle 4.1.11. Students only get the option to ‘Make a copy of the file‘. Moodle takes a snapshot copy of the file from the OneDrive and uploads it. The Moodle Assignment guide has been updated here: Moodle Assignment – Setting up an assignment (v1.1)



Have a quick look at the following guides which will help you in setting up your new module:

Moodle Module Basic Set Up

Understanding icons in Moodle

Moodle – New icons comparison (V1.0).docx

Moodle – Adding a file from OneDrive (V1.0).docx

Moodle Assignment – Setting up an assignment (v1.1)

Editing Activities or Resources

Visit our dedicated Moodle page on the TEL website for further guidance and support. Or contact a member of the TEL team at TEL@yorksj.ac.uk.


Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University