Minimum Expectations
The Minimum Expectations checklist is intended to establish a minimum standard in the use of the institutional VLE (Moodle), and to ensure a consistent student experience across the University. The minimum expectation checklist could be expressed as the lowest standard expected regardless of whether the VLE is used to enhance, extend or empower students’ and their learning. These recommendations may be covered within a combination of module, programme and departmental courses. The list was developed after consulting with staff and students on their minimum expectations for VLE use, benchmarking by investigating sector-wide subscription to minimum standards, and identifying current best practice at YSJ, and was endorsed by Enhancement and Student Experience Committee (ESEC).
Look out for tomorrows blog post with some ideas about how you might meaningfully incorporate the use of some of Moodle’s activities into the 3E element of the TEL Quality Framework.
Minimum Standards Template
For 2018-19, the layout of the Minimum Standards Template has remained the same as 2017-18. You will find a short checklist (in the form of a table) of what should be included in each section. These tables are greyed out and hidden from view and we do not expect these to be filled in and completed. They are intended as simple checklists for your information only. Once your content is imported, you can simply delete the table/checklist to tidy up your course.
The sections headings also remain the same, this means that, when importing content from the previous year, your imported content will slot into the relevant section.
In 2018-19 the TEL team will take an active role in auditing all Moodle courses against the standards set out in the Minimum Expectations and the criteria contained within the Exemplary Course Rubric! Please contact us if you have any questions, or require any help or advice!
Importing Course Content
Once you have created your new modules for the 18-19 academic year, your attention will turn to creating course content. Moodle allows you to import course content from other courses, where you have editing permissions, so you can re-use activities and resources.
Please note: Importing content does not include historical data such as any student data and forum posts.
It’s also good practice not to import old assignments or Turnitin submission points. They will contain out of date information and settings and will cause problems when it comes to students submitting work. It is best to set up all assignment and Turnitin submission points from scratch in each module.
To import course content, follow these simple instructions:
Importing Course Content Video Tutorial
Downloadable Guide for Importing Course Content
If you require any help or support when importing course content, please contact a member of the TEL team at TEL@yorksj.ac.uk.
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