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Moodle Monday: Course Announcements

During the academic year you may need to contact all of your students, emailing each student would be time consuming and may cause problems with the number of emails you can send. To solve this Moodle has ‘Announcements’, a special forum for general announcements.
This forum is automatically created for each course and a course may only have one Announcements forum. On the minimum standards template it appears at the top of the Communications and Forums block (don’t forget to edit the title to remove the square bracketed information).
Communication & Forums Block
Only those with editing rights for the course may add posts or reply to posts in Announcements. This means that whilst tutors can post students cannot respond or post in the Announcements (if you want a discussion then another forum, such as the hidden ‘Q&A/Learning Forums’ in the same block, will need to be used). The Announcements has forced subscription set by default, so everyone enrolled on the course will receive an email when an announcement is posted, making the Announcements forum the perfect place to update students on course information.
If you have any questions or comments then please leave them below. If you require any further help, information or advice then please contact TEL@yorksj.ac.uk.

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University