Start 2022 by learning to use a new digital tool to collaborate, communicate, to be creative and develop content.
Over the next five days we will be showcasing five digital tools.
Day One: Mentimeter
Mentimeter is an audience response tool, which has been used by many YSJ academics last year and is now available for all staff and students to use.
You can build interactive presentations with an easy-to-use online editor, directly from your browser.
Add questions, polls, quizzes, slides, images, gifs and more to your presentation to make them more engaging and fun.
Some examples of how to use Mentimeter are:
• Facilitating icebreaker activities especially at the beginning of term or with new classes
• Making it easier for students to share ideas and responses, particularly in larger classes
• Enabling regular formative assessment through questions types and quiz competition
• Collecting feedback on teaching and evaluate your own session
• Re-energising and engaging the room
• Collecting information on the prior knowledge of students
Free online Mentimeter courses run by the Mentimeter Academy:
Getting Started with Mentimeter: Beginner’s Course (30-45 mins)
Learn how to create new presentations, how the various slide types work, and what your presentation will look like from your audience’s point of view. Mentimeter instructors will help you master the basics and improve your presentations.
Progressing with Mentimeter: Intermediate Course (2-3 hours)
Take this course to become a certified super presenter!
Learn how to create impactful presentations and learn the secret to audience engagement.
Discover how you can customize you presentations and become confident presenting Mentimeter in any setting
Mastering Mentimeter: Advanced Course (coming soon)
This advanced course will help you become a Super Presenter by focusing on how to prepare a full presentation, effectively engage an audience, and gather all-important feedback.
Also, discover how you can analyse and utilise presentation data.
For more information about Mentimeter at YSJ, see our Mentimeter webpages.
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