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SEDA: Supporting Learning with Technology (SLT) 2015

Tablet Computer
Image courtesy of adamr at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

Supporting Learning with Technology is one of the named awards available through SEDA’s Professional Development Framework, and it is a subset of the Embedding Learning Technologies (ELT) award. It is relevant to all staff involved with learning technologies as part of their professional work, including those teaching or supporting student learning with technology, those supporting teachers or other staff, and those aspiring to using technology in these roles.


  • To support individuals in embedding learning technologies effectively into the curriculum or support for learning
  • To recognise these professional achievements
  • To advance professional practice by promoting scholarship and action research in e-learning, including evaluation and its reporting
  • To enhancing the student learning experience, particularly by enabling greater flexibility and widening opportunities
  • To encourage the development of learning communities sharing the SEDA professional values
  • To facilitate the sharing of effective practice within and across institutions.


This award supports and credits the continuing professional development of any individual who is actively involved in the embedding of learning technologies in higher education including teachers, educational technologists, learning professionals, and educational technology developers. It promotes the innovative use of the new technologies to support learning, in a rigorous, scholarly way. Although the context for the application of these skills is the use of new technologies, the skills themselves are similar to those required in other teaching and development activities. The award does not directly accredit technical skills.
Programmes recognized for the award should contribute to participants’ professional development and/or academic profile. They should enable individuals and teams to develop more effective use of learning technologies, and promote dissemination of practice between colleagues and across subject disciplines. They should apply principles and research to the context of current institutional strategies and support structures.


Award recipients will have shown how their work is informed by the SEDA Values

  1. Developing understanding of how people learn
  2. Practicing in ways that are scholarly, professional and ethical
  3. Working with and developing learning communities
  4. Valuing diversity and promoting inclusivity
  5. Continually reflecting on practice to develop ourselves, others and processes

Core Development Outcomes

Award recipients will be able to:

  1. Identify their own professional development goals, directions or priorities
  2. Plan for the initial and/or continuing professional development
  3. Undertake appropriate development activities
  4. Review their development and their practice, and the relations between them

Specialist outcomes

Additionally award recipients will be able to:

  1. Justify the selection of a technology to support learning within a particular specified context
  2. Review the opportunities and constraints of using this technology within the learning context
  3. Develop within their context the use of the selected technology to support learning
  4. Evaluate or reflect upon the impact on their practice of engaging with the selected technology

For the fifth year, the TEL team will be running the SEDA Supporting Learning with Technology (SLT) award. This award explores a range of existing, new and emerging technologies which can be used to support learning teaching and assessment.  The award will be delivered from January through to the middle of June and will consist of a number of face-to-face sessions and online activities.
Here are the key dates for your diary:

Date Title Start End Location
29 January SEDA SLT – An Introduction to the award 14:00 16:00 FT/112
TBC SEDA SLT – Inclusion and TEL 10:00 12:00 TBC
23 February SEDA SLT – Exploring Social Media 10:00 12:00 FT/112
W/C 02 March SEDA SLT – Tutorial 1: Individual tutorial with one of the teaching team.  TBC  TBC TBC
11 March SEDA SLT – Thinking about e-Pedagogies 10:00 12:00 DG/120
24 March SEDA SLT – Creating online content 14:00 16:00 FT/112
W/C 13 April SEDA SLT – Tutorial 2: Individual tutorial with one of the teaching team TBC TBC TBC
24 April SEDA SLT – Methods & techniques for e-assessment and marking 14:00 16:00 FT/112
07 May SEDA SLT – Enabling audio and video 14:00  16:00 FT/112
29 May SEDA SLT- Final e-Portfolio submission Online
19 June SEDA SLT – Feedback from tutors and final result. Online

If you are interested in participating in the SEDA award, please contact TEL@yorksj.ac.uk.

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University