Turnitin are offering students the chance to win £1000 and see their campaign used around the world!
Contract cheating, sometimes known as ghostwriting, is the practice of engaging someone else to complete your assignment for you. Do you know a student who had someone else write their assignments for them whilst at uni? Perhaps you have done so yourself and learned the hard way from the experience? What do you see as the biggest risk? The worst consequence?
Students who use online essay mills take a big gamble. They may be thrown off their course or made to resit the entire year. Plus, buying essays online leaves students vulnerable to blackmail from the very companies they used to cheat in the first place. For innocent students, the value and credibility of their hard-earned qualification is diminished.
Showcase your creativity
Tell your story, make a statement, and explore new and creative ways to make other students aware of contract cheating, why it’s not acceptable, and highlight the risks involved.
You can do this in any creative format you choose. Why not design a poster, create a storyboard, or make a short film?
There’s a prize!
Judged by a task force committed to taking action against contract cheating, the winner will receive £1000 and two runners up will receive £500 each, sponsored by Turnitin.
The winner and their winning creative will be showcased globally, with the creative made available to educational institutions looking to tackle contract cheating on their campus and inspire their own students to take a stand!
Important dates
Competition entries must be submitted via this form by 11:59pm, Friday 2 November 2018.
Winners and runners up will be announced Thursday 29 November 2018.
Be sure to read their competition Terms and Conditions!
Now, what are you waiting for? Find out more at https://www.turnitin.com/events/students-against-contract-cheating
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