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Students as Researcher Job Vacancies

group_discussion2The Academic Development Directorate is inviting York St John students to undertake paid work with academic staff on various research activities across the University. This is a fantastic opportunity to help you develop your research, teamwork and communication skills; undoubtedly an incredibly valuable experience for both your university studies and your future.
Deadline to apply is 5.00 pm Tuesday 27 October 2015.
Below are the posts currently being recruited:
SR231GB Inclusive Faith-Based Youth Work
SR232HR Investigating the relationship between reflection and young children’s metacognitive knowledge development
SR233ED Voices in the University, York St John oral history and community project
SR234SC Research Review on Behaviour Change
SR237MD Individual Factors Associated with Cognitive Performance
SR239NW Evaluating the impact that a York St John student’s attendance and engagement with the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) has on their grades
SR240KS An evaluation of the use of open badges within the curriculum. Does it promote student engagement?
SR241MS Pitmatic Talk
SR242HS Language, Sexuality and Education
SR243AS What variables are related to the position a University finishes in the British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) league?
SR244JCD A systematic review of the literature related to interventions for people diagnosed with personality disorder in secure environments
SR246AB The effect of pain upon the motor control and learning in healthy humans
SR247LH Understanding individual differences in emergent numeracy skills in young children
SR248AZ The stereotype of homosexual danger in official documentation of the Catholic Church
SR250LG Systematic review of the literature on therapeutic group interventions for children and young people who have been witnesses to domestic violence
SR251GC The Dark Triad in women: Bad girls, femme fatales, and anti-heroines
SR253F0 The economic determinants of Metals Mining Volume
SR255RC ePortfolios at York St John: their use, form and enablers for their success
SR256RM Developing Students’ Digital Capability
SR257PV Sport Education and Development Students Perceptions of Sport Continual Professional Development CPD
SAP1HR Investigating students’ ideas about improvements to the curriculum content and mode of delivery of two Foundation Degrees at York St John
SAP2MP Programme Social Media Project
SAP3LK The Writing Room: peer review and collaborative tutoring
ELTAR1CER UG student experiences in ITE: recommendations for enhancement
ELTAR2JR UG student experiences in CYPE: recommendations for enhancement
If you are interested in becoming a Student Researcher, please complete the Application Form
Deadline to apply is 5.00 pm Tuesday 27 October 2015
Student Researchers are appointed on casual support staff contracts and are required to submit timesheets for hours worked. Rate of pay is £8.47 per hour.
Please note that recruited Student Researchers, in addition to project requirements, are also expected to:

More information about the Student as Researcher Scheme and answers to your questions are provided in Students Researchers Handbook.
If you require further details, either about the application process, or about individual projects, please contact the Academic Development Coordinator on 01904 876305.
Not sure if being a Student Researcher is for you? Watch this video:

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