Students as Researchers Scheme: Student Digital Experience Tracker 2017-18

The Academic Development Directorate invites York St John undergraduate students to apply to undertake paid work with academic staff on various research activities across the University.

This is a fantastic opportunity to help you develop your skills in research, teamwork and communication; undoubtedly an incredibly valuable experience for both your university studies and your future.
Below are details of the ‘Student Digital Experience Tracker’ project, a collaborative project between TEL and ILS. In order to apply you must complete a copy of the Student application Form 3017 (DOC 0.7MB) and email it to by the closing date of Friday 29 September 2017.

Student Digital Experience Tracker 2017-18

Student Digital Experience Tracker 2017
Student Digital Experience Tracker 2017

The Student Digital Experience Tracker is a survey tool that allows us to ask our students about their digital expectations and experiences, using a standard set of well-tested questions.
Digital technologies are an indispensable element of learning and living as a student. There is a body of evidence that even today’s students need support with some areas of digital practice, particularly in an academic context, so it’s important to make sure that these needs are met.
Different groups of students have very different experiences of using digital technology, and different attitudes to what is right for them. We will aim to involve international and postgraduate students, and students with different access needs and modes of study.
Partnership approaches are particularly useful in this area of work, student partners and change agents are a key enabler in the area of technology change. Students may have their own attitudes, experiences, resources, and ideas to share which provide a relevant context for others.
This project is influenced by sector-wide initiatives, from Jisc, NUS & TSEP, on student digital experience, digital capability, and students as agents of change. It also links to institutional agendas such as Digital Strategy, Graduate Attributes & Employability.
The student digital experience tracker will allow us to:

  • Gather evidence from learners about their digital experience, and track changes over time
  • Make better informed decisions about the digital environment
  • Target resources for improving digital provision
  • Plan other research, data gathering and student engagement around digital issues
  • Demonstrate quality enhancement and student engagement to external bodies and to students themselves.

In order to apply for this vacancy you must complete a copy of the Student application Form 3017 (DOC 0.7MB) and email it to by the closing date of Friday 29 September 2017.
If you have any questions about the project then please contact

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University