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Students as Researchers Vacancies in TEL

SaRS1The Students as Researchers Scheme gives York St John students the opportunity to be paid to carry out research alongside members of staff. The primary aim of the scheme is to engage undergraduate students and staff in collaborative research projects, providing the opportunity for students to directly experience research in a way they might not have otherwise had the opportunity.
The Technology Enhanced Learning team in partnership with other faculties and departments currently have three Students as Researchers vacancies:

Developing Students’ Digital Capability

The purpose of this ILS-led benchmarking research activity is to investigate students’ expectations and experiences of the digital environment at YSJ. We will investigate how to develop the capabilities which prepare students for living, learning and working in a digital society, as laid out in the new JISC Digital Capabilities model/framework.
Digital technologies are an increasingly important part of learning and living as a student. Even today’s students need support with some areas of digital practice, particularly in an academic context, so it’s important to make sure that these needs are met.
Different groups of students have very different experiences of using digital technology, and different attitudes to what is right for them. We will aim to involve international and postgraduate students, and students with different access needs and modes of study.
Partnership approaches are particularly useful in this area of work, student partners and change agents are a key enabler in the area of technology change. Students may be more digitally confident than teaching staff, and have their own attitudes, experiences, resources, and ideas to share.
This project is influenced by sector-wide initiatives, from Jisc, NUS & TSEP, on student digital experience, digital capability, and students as agents of change. It also links to institutional agendas such as Graduate Attributes & Employability, and Directorate priorities such as:

  • Digital and Information Literacy Framework (the main driver) (ILS)
  • Digital Training courses and support for students and staff (ILS)
  • Digital Capability (ILS & ADD)
  • Graduate Attributes (ADD)
  • Students as Partners (ADD)
  • Curriculum Design (ADD

Full detail about this vacancy can be found below:
[gview file=”http://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/moodle/files/2015/10/SR256RM.pdf”]

An evaluation of the use of open badges within the curriculum. Does it promote student engagement?

Open Badges were introduced within a curriculum at YSJ onto BHSc (Hons) OT programme to a level two module (2OT501) in 2014. The aim was to recognise a student’s informal learning and achievement of a professional skill.
To date, the use of Open Badges has been developed over two stages.

  • Stage 1 – introduction of open badges to 2OT501 (2014/15)
  • Stage 2 – learning resources were developed with a student as co-creator (2015)

Quantative data for the number of students who achieved open badges in 2014/15 has already been collated. This will also be collated for this academic year (2015/16). (ie current level 3 students and current level 2 students respectively on the BHSc (Hons) OT programme)
There is a growing interest in the use of Open Badges in the UK and within the university. These particular Open Badges were designed not only to recognise skill acquisition but as a mechanism for motivating students to engage in learning activities not directly linked to their summative assessment.
The purpose of this qualitative research project will be to investigate if the introduction of Open Badges has had an impact on student learning (at the time of achieving the badge and subsequently by engaging in informal learning opportunities).
Full detail about this vacancy can be found below:
[gview file=”http://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/moodle/files/2015/10/SR240KS.pdf”]

ePortfolios at York St John: their use, form and enablers for their success

York St John University adopted the Mahara ePortfolio system in 2009. Integration of Mahara and use of ePortfolio as a pedagogical tool in academic programmes has increased year-on-year since then. A wealth of literature exists on the potential for ePortfolio and reflective writing to enhance student learning and employability focus. However – with the exception of the Mahara in Music (MiM) project, led by colleagues in the Faculty of Arts at the programme level – investigation into student and staff perceptions of ePortfolio and the Mahara system at York St John has been largely anecdotal. This project aims to bridge that knowledge gap by addressing the following research questions:

  • What does the academic and professional literature reveal about student perceptions of ePortfolio assignments?
  • What is the extent and range of ePortfolio use in York St John academic programmes?
  • What are York St John students’ perceptions of assessment by ePortfolio (benefits, challenges faced, impact on their learning and/or professional development etc.)?
  • What challenges and benefits to integrating ePortfolio assignments on programmes are perceived by academic staff?

Addressing both pedagogical and technological concerns, this project will inform recommendations for how best to support academic staff wishing to embed ePortfolio into their academic programmes at York St John.
Full detail about this vacancy can be found below:
[gview file=”http://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/moodle/files/2015/10/SR255RC.pdf”]

How To Apply:

If you are interested in becoming a Student Researcher for one of the above projects, please complete the Application Form
Deadline to apply is 5.00 pm Tuesday 27 October 2015
Student Researchers are appointed on casual support staff contracts and are required to submit timesheets for hours worked. Rate of pay is £8.47 per hour.
More information about the Student as Researcher Scheme and answers to your questions are provided in Students Researchers Handbook.
If you require further details, either about the application process, or about individual projects, please contact the Academic Development Coordinator on 01904 876305.

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University