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Talking About Teaching 2016 Call for Proposals

talkingaboutteaching16Talking about Teaching 2016 is our annual event that gives staff an opportunity to engage in conversations about learning, teaching and assessment. The event will create interactive opportunities for sharing practice and networking, helping you to discover what is going on across the institution and to pick up new ideas.
The theme of this year’s event is Student Engagement. We are very excited to have secured an international keynote speaker who will deliver an address on engaging students in assessment and feedback: Professor David Boud is Foundation Director of the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) at Deakin University, Melbourne; Research Professor in the Institute for Work-Based Learning, Middlesex University; Emeritus Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney; and a Senior Fellow of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (National Teaching Fellow).
Call for Proposals
You are invited to contribute to the day through facilitating a workshop or leading a teaching and learning conversation (TLC) based on your own and/or others’ scholarly work, which highlights good practice and innovation as it relates to the theme of the event.
Teaching and Learning Conversations
Each TLC will last for 10 minutes followed by 10 minutes discussion.  Each session will be repeated 2 (possibly 3) times within the 90 minutes.
Parallel workshops
There will be two sets of parallel workshops one under each of the themes A and B. Each session will last 45 minutes. These sessions will provide an opportunity for you to present work / projects that fit generally under either theme A or B. You are encouraged to consider how you can make your workshops interactive and promote discussion.
Please click here to view the full call for proposals and complete the attached submission form.
The deadline for proposals is 5pm on Friday 13th November.
A panel will review the proposals and inform applicants by Friday 4th December.
If you would like advice about a proposal please contact Dr Rebecca O’Loughlin r.oloughlin@yorksj.ac.uk 01904 876973.

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University