Teaching & Learning Conversations (TLC) 2016-17

About TLC

The TLC are an exciting informal cross-institutional collaboration to provide joint CPD opportunities for everybody teaching and/or supporting learning in Higher Education.

Their aim is to bring together colleagues from different disciplines, institutions and countries. TLCs are also open to students in HE and they are very interested in including students’ contributions to the programme. Together, they will discuss and debate a variety of current teaching and learning topics in a series of monthly webinars which will be a great opportunity to reflect on your practice but also share good practice and find out what is happening beyond your own institutional walls in the more global HE landscape.

2016/17 TLCs

The next TLC takes place on Wednesday 22nd March at 12:00 with Dr Helena Kettleborough from Manchester Metropolitan University. This TLC provides an opportunity to explore how action research can be used to adopt a scholarly approach for ongoing enhancement of our teaching practice.
Further details and information about the presenters can be found on the TLC website.

Date Time Title Presenters
Tuesday 18th October 2016 13:30-14:30 (60 minutes) Using Poetry in Teaching Dr Sam Illingworth, Senior Lecturer in Science Communication at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Tuesday 22nd November 2016 12:00-13:00 (60 minutes) 1minuteCPD: Experimenting with micro-learning Kate Soper and Chris Meadows, Technology Enhanced Learning Advisors at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Tuesday 13th December 2016 12:00-13:00 (60 minutes) Using social media for belonging and bonding Danielle D’Hayler
Tuesday 31st January 2017 12:00-13:00 (60 minutes) Exploring the Ecology of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education Professor Norman Jackson
Monday 6th March 2017 12:30-13:30 (60 minutes) Capturing learning: beyond the acquisition metaohpr Paul Orsmond and Rachel Forsyth
Wednesday 22nd March 2017 12:00-13:00 (60 minutes) Discussing the use of action research to enhance teaching practice Dr Helena Kettleborough

More Information

Visit the TLC Website & Blog for more details. Here you will also find more information About TLC, the 2016/17 Programme, advice on Preparing for a TLC, the TLC Archive, a space to provide Feedback & Claim an Open Badge for participating, and Resources from the TLCs.
The TLCs are a great opportunity for staff to participate in CPD, reflect upon your own practice, and share ideas with colleagues from other institutions. Please feel free to share the link to the TLC programme and individual webinars with others who might also be interested. We hope to see some YSJ academics online at future TLCs!

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