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Technology Enhanced Learning Featured in EdTech’s 50 Must-Read Higher Ed IT Blogs

We were pleasantly surprised to find out that we were featured in The 2016 Dean’s List: EdTech’s 50 Must-Read Higher Ed IT Blogs by EdTech Magazine!

Blogging about the hottest education technology issues, these admin all-stars, IT gurus, education community experts and classroom leaders have proven their worth to their peers.

It was brought to our attention by Sue Beckingham on Twitter:

Part of the role of the Technology Enhanced Learning team is to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, assessment and creative inquiry in higher education, and in particular at YSJ.  This blog acts as a way for us to share our thinking around such issues, as well as offering some practical advice and guidance, tips, tools and technologies which could enhance your practice.
On this blog you will find posts from myself and Róisín (and very soon Rosie), the TEL team, but we also welcome contributions from other YSJ staff and students on the matter of Technology Enhanced Learning. We also very much welcome your feedback on how we can improve the blog, ideas and suggestions for features and content, how we might reach more staff, or maybe you have ideas about how we could improve the design or layout? If you would like to contribute to this blog then please contact the TEL team: TEL@yorksj.ac.uk.
Phil & Róisín


4 responses on "Technology Enhanced Learning Featured in EdTech’s 50 Must-Read Higher Ed IT Blogs"

  1. Excellent news, and well deserved. Your blog posts are always topical, interesting and timely. That they are not too long is also a bonus and encourages me to take the short time out to read. Once again, well done and keep up the good work.

  2. Well done guys! Great to see that your hard work isn’t going unnoticed by the wider TEL community. Looking forward to joining the team in a few weeks!

  3. Congratulations – well deserved recognition.

  4. Well deserved! I too enjoy your blog posts #alwayslearning

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University