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TEL in Numbers 2017-18

Looking back at the last academic year, 2017/18, I thought I would share with you some of the key facts and figures relating to Technology Enhanced Learning from this period.

Infographics are a great way to display data or learn about a topic. They can be a great tool for summarising or conveying important information to students about a particular topic. You can ask students to create their own infographics as poster presentations. They require critical research into a topic, and presentation/visualisation of information and data in a clear and concise way. Using tools such as Piktochart or Adobe Illustrator also contributes to developing students’ digital capability.

This year, I used a different template from Piktochart to create the infographic and had a lot of fun with it too! You can gain some great tips for creating infographics from Lynda.com courses. I especially like the course by Amy Balliett: Learning Infographic Design where Amy explains the science behind good visual communication and introduces design principles and techniques.

Are you interested in using infographics but don’t know where to start? Are you already using infographics in your teaching and learning? Let us know in the comments below or contact us at tel@yorksj.ac.uk



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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University