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TEL Surgeries: Moodle help for staff in January

The TEL Team are holding a number of drop-in ‘surgeries’ in January for staff who may need help setting up their semester 2 Moodle courses, have questions about WordPress or have any other queries related to Technology Enhanced Learning. No appointment is necessary and staff can drop in during any of the times listed below.

Week Beginning 8th January

Date Time Room no.
Tuesday 9th January 10:00-12:00  FT/114
Tuesday 9th January 14:00-16:00  CANCELLED
Thursday 11th January 09:30-11:00  FT/112
Thursday 11th January 14:30-16:00  FT/112

Week beginning 15th January

Date Time Room no.
Monday 15th January
09:30-11:00  FT/112
Monday 15th January 13:30-15:00  FT/112
Wednesday 17th January
09:30-11:00  FT/112
Wednesday 17th January
14:00-15:30 FT/112
Friday 19th January
09:30-11:30  FT/210
Friday 19th January
14:00-16:00  CANCELLED

If you want help importing your Moodle content from last year’s version of the course into this year’s, it would be helpful if you ‘activate’ your Moodle course the day before you come to see us. Moodle Modules and Moodle itself only sync up twice a day, at midday and midnight, so if this isn’t done before you come to see us we won’t be able to help. The links below have instructions on how to activate your modules, how to import content and how to develop your course in line with the TEL Quality Framework and the 3E Framework. We’ll also be releasing regular Moodle Monday blog posts throughout the academic year, with hints and tips on a number of new and existing Moodle features. Subscribe to our blog to receive email updates of new posts!

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any Moodle queries at tel@yorksj.ac.uk. If there’s a particular tool or feature you’d like us to blog about in our Moodle Monday posts, let us know in the comments below!

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University