Top Blog Posts 2015

seda2It’s been another busy year on the TEL blog with 77 published posts, 20,647 views, from unique visitors, who left 65 comments. October attracted the most views with 2,469 when 12 posts were published. The most popular day on the blog this year attracted 220 views – not surprisingly this coincided with the first day of 10 Days of Twitter, which was delivered in February.
The 10 most popular posts in 2015 according to views (as of 21st December 2015) are:

  1. Tracking Student Progress and Engagement in Moodle
  2. 10 Ways to Use Video in Your Teaching 
  3. Moodle Feedback Activity for Mid-Module Evaluation
  4. Flipped Classroom
  5. Minimum Expectation in Moodle – Student Survey
  6. Badges, badges everywhere!
  7. Creating Moodle Courses for 2015/16
  8. VLE Standards, Thresholds, Expectations & Baselines
  9. What is a Personal Learning Network/Environment?
  10. ePedagogy Models & Frameworks

Interestingly, some of the most popular posts on our blog in 2015 were actually written in 2014!
The vast majority of our referrals came from Search Engines (5,285), followed by Twitter (909), (368), (282) and (209).
countriesUnsurprisingly, the United Kingdom (14,139) generates the most traffic to our site, followed by USA (2,530), Russia (360), Australia (355), Canada (301), India (269), Spain (260), Germany (208), Ireland (196), and France (181) make up the top 10.
Thanks to everyone who viewed, commented or shared. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University