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Introducing #LTHEchat

LTHE#LTHEchat is an online Tweetchat which provides an opportunity for educators in higher education to discuss contemporary issues & trends in learning and teaching. Inspired by the hugely successful #edchat, this is an opportunity to focus conversations on learning and teaching in Higher Education (HE). The weekly chat is open to anyone interested in higher education and will provide an opportunity to share practices as well as ideas and connect with other practitioners.
Each week the chat will have a focus on a specific aspect of learning and teaching in HE. You will be able to vote for your favourite topic. The topic of the week will be communicated on the #LTHEchat website and also via Twitter from @LTHEchat and the hashtag #LTHEchat.
The first tweetchat is on 29th of October, 8pm-9pm UK time, and the topic is ‘New ways to engage in bite sized professional development’.
You can find out more about #LTHEchat from this SlideShare presentation:

You can also follow @LTHEchat on Twitter:

We hope that you will join #LTHEchat for some speed CPD, and look forward to seeing you online on the 29th Oct.
P.S. You can find out more about hashtags, and how they can be used for organised Twitter chats, from ‘Day 7 of #YSJ10DoT: Hashtags‘.

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University