Lecture recording drop in session 2022-23
There are many benefits to recording for educational purposes, including: supporting blended learning approaches; providing greater flexibility to learners within the curriculum, providing students with the opportunity to review and reflect on the curriculum, and widening accessibility for students with both identified and previously unidentified additional learning support needs, or students whose first language is not English, and offers a reflection tool for staff members to develop and enhance their own teaching.
Demand for recordings has grown year on year and is increasingly viewed as an expectation of the learning experience among prospective students.
Staff are encouraged to make recordings of ‘broadcast’ elements of lectures (where the staff member transmits or broadcasts information to the student audience), where appropriate and practicable, and make these available via the Moodle VLE, thereby providing an opportunity for all students to watch, replay, review and revise core content, irrespective of identified additional need.
The TEL Team are offering drop in session to All Staff from Wednesday 28th of September 2022. (Room SK127)
Drop In Days 2022-23
Wednesday 28th of September 2022
1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm
Wednesday 5th of October 2022
1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm
Wednesday 12th of October 2022
1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm
Wednesday 19th of October 2022
1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm
Whilst these are open drop in sessions you may want to book in advance so we know you are coming.
Please find the form here
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