Moodle Monday: Using Marking (Grading) Workflow

Moodle has a great feature called Marking workflow which enables you to assign the grading stage that each student’s submission has reached, ultimately allowing you to reveal the grades to the students when you choose, for example, when the work of all the students has been marked or the grades have been internally moderated.
Marking workflow and Marking allocation for Moodle Assignment activities are especially useful for large classes and classes with more than one tutor group. These features can be used either in conjunction with one another or independently.

  • Marking workflow allows tutors to track preset grading stages for each student’s Assignment submission. Tutors can view the workflow status of all student submissions at any time, but grading information is released to students only in the last step. Grades can be released individually or in batches.
  • If marking workflow is set to Yes, it is possible to enable Marking allocation. This means that teachers can be selected to grade or review the submitted work of specific students. Colleagues can monitor progress through the displayed marking workflow states.

For simple step-by-step instructions on setting up Marking workflow or Marking allocation, see this great blog post from ‘How to Moodle’:
Is Marking workflow and/or Marking allocation something you currently use? Would you consider using it after reading this post? If you have any questions or would like any more help, information or advice, then please post them in the comments below, or contact


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