ITS are happy to announce that Moodle and Mahara are back online following our annual upgrade to release 3.11.
Note: Due to User Acceptance Testing flagging some issues we decided to roll back to Moodle 3.10 and attempt this again in August 2022 – Date 11/08/2022
Countdown until upgrade is complete
What’s involved
We will be performing a swap out from our current Moodle environment 3.10 to our newly prepared 3.11 Moodle environment, performing database clean-ups where possible, organising some basic housekeeping on the platform, archiving any old unnecessary plugins, adding new plugins that have been requested over the year and checking for code fixes including performing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) prior to relaunch.
How does it affect you?
We will be suspending access to YSJ Moodle and Mahara through deep linking at 5:00 pm on Wednesday 10th of August 2022 and bringing the service back online Thursday 11st August 2022 at 5:00 pm. This means that the system will be inaccessible during the upgrade period.
What if I need something from Moodle
ITS advise that you download any materials, links and save them to a YSJ solution like OneDrive in advance. To prevent any teaching or learning interruptions.
#Quicktip: OneDrive is a perfect place to store any files that you may need.
12/8/2022 ‘At Risk’ day
With any work carried out by the TEL and Applications team within ITS. We would ask that from Friday 12/8/2022 to close of business Friday 12/8/2022 be deemed as an at risk day. Allowing us to mitigate any requests or issues that may come as a result of the upgrade. All tickets must be submitted to the support@yorksj.ac.uk email address with the subject line Moodle 3.11 from staff and we will triage them to the correct team.
Moodle total time affected for the upgrade: 24 hours.
What’s new in Moodle 3.11 –
Here is a short video of what new feature will be available after our upgrade to 3.11.
We appreciate your support and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Have a quick look at the following guides which will help you in setting up your new module:
Editing Activities or Resources
Visit our dedicated Moodle page on the TEL website for further guidance and support. Or contact a member of the TEL team at TEL@yorksj.ac.uk.
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