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Top posts from 2016 and Seasons Greetings from the TEL Team!

As we come towards the end of 2016, we’ve seen a lot of changes in the TEL Team over the last 12 months. Our two new TEL Advisors Rosie and Emma have been settling in since the summer, and we’ve been busy supporting staff with various TEL related projects.
We’ve published 89 posts on our blog in 2016, with 23,380 views from 12,692 unique visitors. March and April of this year saw the highest volume of traffic, which it seems is down to us running 5 Days of Open Education and 10 Days of Twitter during that time.
At the time of writing, our 10 most popular posts in 2016 are as follows:

  1. Universal Design for Learning [written November 2015]
  2. Tracking Student Progress & Engagement in Moodle [written September 2014]
  3. Creating Moodle Courses for 2016/17 [original post written July 2016]
  4. What is a Personal Learning Network/Environment? [written May 2014]
  5. Improve student interaction and engagement with participant response tools [written January 2016]
  6. VLE Standards, Thresholds, Expectations & Baselines [written April 2015]
  7. Moodle Feedback Activity for Mid-Module Evaluation [written October 2014]
  8. ePedagogy Models & Frameworks [written February 2015]
  9. Flipped Classroom [written November 2013]
  10. 10 Ways to use video in your teaching [written October 2015]

It’s interesting to see that the majority of our most popular posts are at least a year old and it is likely that these posts remain consistently popular because of traffic from search engines for terms such as ‘Universal Design for Learning’ and ‘Flipped Classroom’.
This year, 6,250 of our views came from search engines, 867 views came from Twitter, 210 from yorksj.ac.uk, 124 from scoop.it and 105 from Ed Tech Magazine’s post on the 50 must-read Higher Ed IT blogs.
Most of our traffic comes from the UK (13,294 views), followed by the United States (4,341), Russia (801), Australia (629), Canada (462), Ireland (329) and India (315) but we have views from a grand total of 131 countries across the world!
A huge thank you to everyone who has viewed, commented on and shared our posts throughout the year. We look forward to working with many of you in 2017. Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year from the TEL Team! We are out of the office from the end of the day on Thursday 22 December until Wednesday 4 January 2017.


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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University