Turnitin: QuickMarks feature
What are QuickMarks?
The QuickMarks feature within Turnitin allows you to create a library of feedback comments/editing instructions that might be applicable for multiple groups of students, assignments and courses. They are are commonly used comments or editing instructions that tutors can easily drag and drop onto the student’s paper from the sidebar. Turnitin feedback studio automatically provides several sets of QuickMarks grouped by theme, for example, punctuation, composition etc. Tutors can use these sets of comments, create their own sets or upload a set shared by another tutor.
Why should I use QuickMarks?
Using QuickMarks, can reduce the time needed to write out commonly used marking terms. It will save you having to write the same comments over and over again on different students’ papers.
How do I use QuickMarks?
To get started with QuickMarks, read our how to guide on Marking and Feedback Tools in Turnitin.
You may also find it useful to watch this video by Turnitin on how to use QuickMarks:
Further support
If you would like to learn more, please book a 1-1 tutorial with the TEL team.
If you are already using QuickMarks and would like to share tips or advice with colleagues, you can share a case study on this blog site or use the Online Learning and Teaching support Teams space to share your experience with others.
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