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Mentimeter at York St John

Over the last year, Mentimeter has been used by more and more of our colleagues and students here at York St John with registered users almost doubling from 106 to 208. This reflects the overwhelmingly positive feedback that we have received from staff using the tool and students as well.

Mentimeter is an audience response system which allows students to respond to questions, quizzes and polls using mobile phones or other devices. Responses and feedback are immediately visible to the tutor and can be shared with students too. Mentimeter can be used in lectures and seminars to test student knowledge and understanding or to gauge their thoughts and feelings on a new topic. It has been used for mid-module feedback successfully and has also been used widely by staff training teams to collect feedback. Mentimeter can also be embedded in Moodle and set to audience pace if you would prefer to let students respond out of a face-to-face session and in their own time.

You can read about how some of our teaching staff have been using Mentimeter in these case studies by Steve Hirschler and Joe Bailey.

This infographic demonstrates the wide use of Mentimeter over the last couple of years, as well as the spread of question types being employed by staff and students at York St John.

Mentimeter infographic

If you would be interested to start using Mentimeter, you can set up a free account which will allow you to use Mentimeter with any audience size. With your free Mentimeter account you can create up to two questions and five quiz questions per presentation. You can create as many presentations as you like.

If you find that Mentimeter is helpful in your teaching and would like to be able to create presentations with more questions, please contact the TEL team to request a pro licence.

Some of the newer features introduced by Mentimeter include:

– the ability to create your own themes

– the dots layout to display multiple choice results

Dots question type

type answer quiz question type

– ranking question type

ranking question type

You might also want to try out Mentimote which is a feature still in development which allows you to manage your presentation from a mobile device, so you’re not tied to a PC.

You can access a range of guides on the Mentimeter website to get you started using Mentimeter or get in touch with the TEL team if you would like further training and support.


2 responses on "Mentimeter at York St John"

  1. I really like mentimeter and as long as the internet is working or there is access to 4g in the class room you are based in it can be a very useful tool – students don’t feel worried about getting things wrong or that they will appear silly as they are completely anonymous. There are many features to use as well and these can provide some really useful insight into how well the students understand a particular concept or issue during the session – allowing extra support to be woven into future sessions if necessary

  2. Thanks for sharing your experience with Mentimeter Michelle.

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Technology Enhanced Learning | York St John University